LEVEL BOT | FISH BOT | FARM BOT(Metin,boss,ore), works on GameForge Servers(DE, IT, RO, PL, ...), [no pserver]


/refine or /upitem [item pos] [type] optional:[count 1-9]
/runscript or /runpy or /run [script name] - run python scripts
/ghost - ghost mode
/zoom - zoom hack
/fog - fog hack
/buff - skill bot
/antifly - horse attack no fly
/snow [1 or 0]
/getvnum, /getv - get target virtual number
/ch [channel] optional:[login password] - channel changer
/relog - fast relogin
/cf [setting] [value] - change value in mod_config2.cfg

farm bot id list:
/farm_list add [metin/boss/ore] monster_id
/farm_list remove [metin/boss/ore] monster_id
sample: /farm_list add metin 11111

1. Install mod in you metin2 main directory
2. Start Mod with metin2mod_launch.exe (
with admin rights)
3. click start mod
4. wait for patcher
5. start game from patcher